I’ve been doing a whole lot of thinking about the nature of happiness over the past few years. It’s a matter of record that 2024 was a suboptimal year for me but my thinking on the topic of happiness started well before then and I’ve only really managed to get my thoughts together on it recently. I’m sure they’ll continue to evolve over time.
This post was challenging to write, and still doesn’t feel particularly coherent. Please forgive me if it doesn’t align with your thinking. You’re entitled to your thoughts, just as I am to mine. If this post helps someone then that will be enough. If it doesn’t help you then please just move along with grace. Or tear me down if you think that will do good in the world. Your call. What qualifications in this area do I have? None. Again, please just move on if you wish. I won’t mind.
Partly this post was so challenging to write because I was trying (and failing) to disentangle “happiness” from “healing”. Let’s be honest: as an adult, you’ve probably both hurt others and been hurt yourself. We all have scars. There’s always some healing to be done, and, while there can always also be happiness, disentangling the two is much more challenging than we’d like it to be. In hindsight I don’t think we should. Healing can enable happiness; likewise, happiness can aid healing.
So… Let’s start with an easy question: “What is happiness?”
What is happiness?
My personal definition of happiness is perhaps a little different to yours, and I’m okay with that: Happiness is an emotion so positive and powerful that you feel impelled to gift it to others.
When we’re a child, this seems to be an unquestioned assumption and an unconscious action - possibly because we’re almost always around others. We openly laugh in delight at a funny-shaped cloud, a pretty bird or when someone pulls a funny face at us or plays peek-a-boo. We’re already unconsciously sharing our joy in those experiences with those around us, either verbally/vocally or by something visible like when we choose a beautiful pink butterfly for our face painting or wear our favourite cute socks. Yes, it’s for ourselves, but it’s also for other people. We just don’t think of that too consciously because… well… we’re a child and we’re surrounded by other people, so of course we’re sharing.
As adults, we become much more self-conscious about displaying happiness. Apparently it’s weak or some such rubbish. I saw that again at Schoolies again this year - people trying to be “grown up” and reluctant to display happiness and joy for fear of still being taken for a child. One of the lessons I re-learned far later than I should have was that when you choose to let others see your happiness and delight, your company becomes a gift to other people. In other words, your happiness shines brightly onto others and brings them happiness and joy in turn. I will be forever grateful for the friends - you know who you are - who taught me that lesson by your example. Your childlike appreciation of the world around you is wonderful and inspiring. Please don’t let yourselves lose that. Please don’t stop taking that childlike delight in the world.
On being happy alone
In a previous post on Why does beautiful often mean melancholy? I quoted a friend as saying over dinner that they weren’t interested in travelling unless it was with someone special. They were quite firm on that but didn’t quite understand why, and although I shared that sentiment I didn’t understand, either. Now, I think I do. It’s not a matter of being unhappy alone. It’s a matter of the return on investment on doing something alone versus doing that same something with someone special.
I like going to the beach. Going to the beach is a happy experience for me, especially if that beach itself is a special location for me. I really like going to the beach with friends. I love going to the beach with someone special. With someone else who is important to me (whether family, friend or partner) I see that joy and delight reflected back at me, and that’s both a gift to someone else and their gift in return to me. We both gain more from sharing the experience than if we were to each have that experience separately.
Further to that, there’s a special value to the first time that an experience is had. The first time jumping out of an aircraft. The first trip to Paris. The first dance. The first breathtaking view over the vinyards of the Adelaide Hills. That element of discovery diminishes after the first time something is experienced, so wanting to experience the magic of discovery with someone special becomes much more understandable. This also goes some way towards explaining why showing someone our special places is so powerful: it might not be the first time that we’ve been there, but it’s the first time that they’ve seen it (or at least seen it through our lens) so they get to experience the magic of discovery. That’s a gift we can give to them, and one that’s in turn reflected back to us.
I’ve mentioned before that a dear friend once introduced me to the philosophy of Alfred Adler. Adler’s thoughts are worth considering, even if not entirely adopting1. One of his positions is that we have to be whole and self-reliant, and that we have to have the courage to chart our own course in life and to accept that others may dislike us as a result of our decisions. We must have the courage to be true to ourselves, accept the consequences and be content. Another of his positions, however, is that humans all share the basic goal of belonging and contributing to a community, which means that “being true to ourselves” also has to take into account our contribution to others.
These positions at first glance appear to be in conflict with each other but they don’t have to be.2 If we’re not content within ourselves then we’ll make a net-negative contribution to our community, which is unhealthy. If we bring a whole person to a friendship, relationship or community then our contribution will be a vastly more positive one. Does that mean that it’s unhealthy to want to have someone else to share things with? Not at all. Need? Yes. Want? No.
Do we need to be able to stand alone? Ultimately, in my view, yes, but what we do with that ability is up to us. There’s truth in “No (wo)man is an island.”
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
So yes, our happiness shines brightly onto others. It doesn’t stop there, though. When our happiness shines brightly onto others, it reflects from them back onto us. We feel our own happiness mirrored by the people around us, and that in turn brings more happiness. That, in turn, is reflected back yet again, and a virtuous cycle arises.
In other words, happiness shared is happiness multiplied. The word we’re looking for here is “gestalt”.
That’s what I think we miss so much when we’re alone: even when we are whole, we are still only one, but with someone special who is also whole we are so much more blessed. When we’re alone, we appreciate what we have, but we also understand what could be.
So… if happiness shared is happiness multiplied, can this be a two-edged sword? Multiplicative effects aren’t always to our advantage. The whole can be greater than the sum product of its parts, but those parts ultimately both need to be whole in and of themselves for that to hold true.
Forgive me, but I’m going to speak in C# for a minute. Laugh if you will. I don’t care - see previous comments about childlike fun. This is fun for me 🙂
public decimal CalculateTotalHappiness(decimal happinessA, decimal happinessB)
// No, I'm not going to check inputs.
// This method will accept two
// negatives and return a positive.
// That's clearly ridiculous.
if (happinessA < 1 && happinessB < 1)
// Total happiness is reduced.
// A lot.
// Each person makes the other less
// happy.
// E.g. 0.5 * 0.5 == 0.25 happiness
// for both parties.
// We're making each other miserable.
else if ((happinessA >= 1 && happinessB < 1) || (happinessA < 1 && happinessB >= 1))
// One person is leeching happiness
// from the other.
// This is sustainable, and often
// *important*, for short spans of
// time, but if if it becomes chronic
// then we have a problem.
else if (happinessA == 1 && happinessB == 1)
// Each person is sufficiently happy
// but total happiness is unchanged.
// We're okay.
// This is what we might call a
// "situationship".
else if (happinessA > 1 && happinessB > 1)
// Total happiness increases
// exponentially.
// E.g. 2 * 2 happiness == 4 happiness.
// TODO This is where we want to be.
Healing and wholeness
Every person has scars. Some still have wounds. Some are from long ago; some are recent. All experiences have left their mark. This is what we call “being human”.
Many people will make statements along the lines of, “You have to be whole in yourself before seeking someone else,” and while I partially agree with it I do view it as only a partial truth. Yes, it’s important to be a whole person. If you’re broken then some reassambly is required. That’s the simple part. Does that reassembly need to happen alone? Much more complicated. Completely whole before engaging with anyone else? Magic eight-ball says, “Infeasible.”
Do we need to heal alone? I don’t think so. Do we need to start healing alone? Also, I don’t think so. Relying on family, friends and/or professional help to begin and facilitate healing is entirely human. There is a trap, however: relying on another person/people to heal us, rather than doing the work ourselves with the support of other people. Kant has some firm opinions on using other people as a means to an end. In the context of relationships, a skydiver friend referred me to the term “grip-switching”. Not recommended.
In the case of violence etc. perhaps there’s no place for that person/people in our lives any longer. No blanket statements from me here but if that’s your situation I’m certainly not going to question it. If people hurt each other but aren’t willing to completely cut ties then my position is, complicatedly, “Not all healing should be done alone.” Moreover, some can’t be done alone. Some needs to be done alone (or at least apart) first, in order to re-establish our own equilibrium and our own boundaries, and to set ourselves up for success in the next phase. The next phase, though, needs to be done together in order to mutually repair the wounds we caused.
There’s a difference between “healing” and “scarring”. Some wounds will just scar over. Some may genuinely repair. Who knows? Some requires apologising to people we hurt, and/or to God if we’re of faith. I’m reliably assured that divine forgiveness is infinite, but I don’t discount the value of human forgiveness, either. Sometimes we need both - and the latter is often much more challenging for us to offer, as well as to be offered.
On unequal happiness
If each party needs to bring more than one happiness, does that always need to be the case? I think not. It should be the ideal case, and it’s almost certainly going to be required to be sustainable in the long term, but I think it’s very human for people to lean on each other when facing adversity.
In a long-term relationship it’s inevitable that there will be trials and tribulations and one party or the other (or both) will be at less than one happiness unit. How you deal with that is, of course, up to you. I’d recommend at least having a conversation.
On finding happiness in the small things
A lesson one friend demonstrated to me over time, perhaps unconsciously, was that the more quickly one could switch serious-face on, the less we had to wear serious-face by default. They could flip a mental switch and show a very serious face on next-to-no notice. What that meant was that they could more easily relax into the moment, and only be serious when it was necessary.
I’ve since been cultivating that skill, and have found that it really does work - being able to context-switch to “serious adult” has meant that I can spend much more time defaulting to taking a childlike delight in the sights, sounds and experiences around me. I can squirrel at a pretty flower, a funny-looking chicken or even an actual squirrel3. Perhaps that lesson will help you. Perhaps it was already blindingly obvious to you, and I’m the slow one here. I’m okay with that 🙂
I’m finding myself stopping to take more photos (you can see a random selection in my Out and about) gallery just because something catches my eye. I’m finding myself offering (non-creepy) compliments to random strangers. I say hi to people’s children (yes, I have a Blue Card) and pat their dogs. I watch the sun rise and set just because it’s beautiful. I breathe the scent of freshly-cut grass in the mornings4 and post-dinner espresso in the evenings.
So how/where do I find happiness?
You’re asking me?? Oh, how I’ve wished for an easy answer to that, especially over the past year or so. You’re asking a person whose last year was an annus horibilis, remember?
But no: this one’s on you. Finding your happiness is your task. I’ll share what works for me, especially to claw my way back out of the dark places, but you need to find what works for you.
For me? I support my family, my friends and other loved ones, and lean on them when I need to. I try to take the time to appreciate the beauty in the world around me, and be grateful for its existence. I spend time rediscovering and seeking to understand faith. I seek out new skills but try to actually learn the ones I choose rather than just dabble in many things. (Dabbling is fine to get a taste of something, but - for me - true enjoyment of an activity usually comes with competence.) There’s already quite a long list of sports, activities and other pursuits that I enjoy; I don’t need to re-list those here. I share the lessons my own mistakes have taught me, and try to make good on my mistakes when I realise them. I give back to my community, but with little fanfare. I play. I cultivate my physical and mental fitness so that I can play. I spend time with my family and friends, sharing experiences with them5.
I do hope to find someone to do life with again. For a while, I tried to force myself to be just as happy alone as with someone special. Now that I understand myself better, I’ve relaxed that demand. I have well more than one unit of happiness, so it will be a positive multiplier when shared, but it is more than one unit of happiness so that’s enough for me by myself. While I am content alone, I do hope one day for the whole to be more than just the sum of its parts.
I hope this post resonates with you. If so, please let me know. If not, again, please just pass on by with grace.
Either way, I hope you find your own path to happiness, and someone with whom to share it. I wish you well.
Some of Adler’s arguments, e.g. “deny trauma”, were formulated before we had any kind of understanding of neural plasticity and the fact that trauma does actually re-wire some neural pathways and takes more than a simple decision to address. But I digress. ↩
This is my blog, not a philosophy assignment. This post is my musings, not a detailed critique of any particular philosopher or philosophy. Please don’t at me. ↩
Did you know that squirrels are real? I mean, we all know that birds aren’t real, but as a kid I used to think of squirrels in the same way as I thought of elves and fairies. Then I saw squirrels in Hyde Park. Mind blown. ↩
There’s a lot of that scent around UQ - I live near the playing fields and walk past them on my way to the gym most mornings. ↩
Some might say “inflicting” experiences upon them, given the heart rates on some recent hikes and the awful o’clock wake-ups for far-away trail runs, parkruns and rides… ↩