At the time of writing, IE (versions 7 and below) does not have a JavaScript console supporting console.log.

(Request to the IE8 team: Your product is still in beta. You must have a logging call somewhere. Publish it, please. Please.)

There are quite a few good console.log() equivalents out there, not the least of which are Faux Console and the Yahoo User Interface Logger Widget. For extremely light-weight applications, though, there was nothing that did just what I wanted, so I wrote one.

The JavaScript code:

// rudimentary javascript logging to emulate console.log(). If there
// already exists an object named "console" (defined by most *useful*
// browsers :p) then we won't do anything here at all.
if (typeof (console) === 'undefined') {

    // define "console" namespace
    console = new function() {
        // this is the Id of the console div. It doesn't actually need
        // to be a div, as long as it has an innerHTML property.
        this.ConsoleDivId = "JavaScriptConsole";

        // maintains a reference to the console output div, so that we
        // don't have to call document.getElementById a bunch of times.
        this.ConsoleDiv = null;

        // allows us to cache whether or not the console div exists, so
        // that we can just do an early exit from the console.log method
        // and similar if we're not going to put any useful output anywhere.
        this.ConsoleDivExists = null;

    // this is an expensive (really quite expensive) string padding function.
    // Don't use it for large strings.
    console.padString = function(s, padToLength, padCharacter) {
        var response = "" + s;
        while (response.length < padToLength) {
            response = padCharacter + response;

        return response;

    console.log = function(message) {

        // this will be executed once, on first method invocation, to
        // get a reference to the output div if it exists
        if (console.ConsoleDivExists == null) {
            console.ConsoleDiv = document.getElementById(console.ConsoleDivId);
            console.ConsoleDivExists = (console.ConsoleDiv != null);

        // only do any logging if we actually have an output div.
        // (Check using the cached variable so that we don't end up
        // with a bunch of failed calls to document.getElementById).
        if (console.ConsoleDivExists) {
            var date = new Date();
            var entireMessage =
                console.padString(date.getHours(), 2, "0") + ":" +
                console.padString(date.getMinutes(), 2, "0") + ":" +
                console.padString(date.getSeconds(), 2, "0") + "." +
                console.padString(date.getMilliseconds(), 3, "0") + " " + message;
            delete date;

            // append the message
            console.ConsoleDiv.innerHTML = console.ConsoleDiv.innerHTML + "<br />" + entireMessage;

            // scroll the div to the bottom
            console.ConsoleDiv.scrollTop = console.ConsoleDiv.scrollHeight;

Ideally you’d drop this into an included script file, but it’s more likely that you’ll paste it into a <script> tag in the header of your HTML document.

The HTML that creates the DIV to contain the output:

<div id="JavaScriptConsole" style="position: absolute; bottom: 30px; left: 30px; width: 600px; height: 200px; overflow: scroll; background-color: Yellow; color: Red;">
    <a href="javascript:document.getElementById('JavascriptConsole').style.visibility = 'hidden';" style="float: right;">Close</a> <span style="font-weight: bold;">JavaScript Console</span><br />

Note that this div also contains a hyperlink with JavaScript code in it to hide it.

A simple hello world script to log to it:

<script type="text/javascript">
    console.log("Hello, world!");

… and finally, the output:
